I will not blog much about politics, except with regards to feminism. I do this because as a family man, I see feminism to be the tip of the spear with which Satan is seeking to dismantle society. Feminism attacks and seeks to destroy the family, and with it, the last remnants of Christendom, and Holy Mother Church herself.
I am an ardent monarchist, though I don't seek to agitate for a monarchy to form in the United States, as that would be largely impossible today. I support existing Christian monarchies around the world. I believe that highly tiered class structure within society with little potential of class mobility is a good principal for the development of art, and suppressing the ambitions of the masses.
I'm distributist-leaning, particularly with respect to subsidiarity, the principal that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, most local authority possible. The smallest, most local unit of authority is the family, which is the cornerstone of civilization. I resist, at all cost, centralization of power by the state and federal governments. My ideas of taxation are largely Georgist, and believe that the only forms of taxation that should exist are land taxes, tariffs, excise taxes, and usage fees. This is for a number of reasons: I wish for land ownership to be distributed and available to those who wish to produce, and I wish to strongly discourage land speculation, which artificially drives up land prices and increases the likelihood of boom/bust cycles.
I believe, strongly, that in order for a nation to be righteous, it must officially confess faith in God and name the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church as its official religion. This is not to say I wish for a "theocracy", where the church directly rules over temporal affair. Officials representing the government should be required to be in good standing with the Church, and those excommunicated should be removed from office.
Though I am not a modern environmentalist, as I don't believe junk science like global warming, I believe in responsible stewardship of the earth. The earth was created by Almighty God for the sake and use of man. Though it is right to use her resources, it is wrong to do so with impunity. The earth is a beautiful place, and we should work to preserve and enhance that beauty by minimizing our destruction, and building things that are beautiful. Our wasteful nature today is also repugnant in that it takes for granted the bounty that God has given us. We live in the wealthiest society that has ever been, and I see it as an abuse of that wealth to waste.